Today is the last day of the 1st grading period. Changes to your child's learning platform (face to face or remote learning) can ONLY be made at the end of each grading period as this is not a daily preference choice. Students cannot change during the grading period.
If you would like to change how your child is receiving instruction, you must submit a Learning Platform Change Request Form. They are available on the district’s website under the Students & Families Tab (link below). Hard copies of the forms are available at campus offices. Forms may be hand delivered to campuses during business hours or forwarded electronically via email to the campus principal for processing by September 21st.
Shanklin Elementary teachers were treated to lunch today by their administrators to show them how much they are appreciated!
When it comes to crazy hair scaring off the Lytle Pirates, Mr. Benitez is definitely supporting a Luling Eagle victory tonight! Go Luling Eagles! Beat the Lytle Pirates!
More teachers teaching, crazy hair and all!
Our Shanklin teachers and staff are trying their best to scare away those pirates with their crazy hair!
Shanklin Elementary students support their Luling Eagles in scaring aware the Lytle Pirates!
Our Luling High School cheerleaders challenged us to wear crazy hair today to scare away the Lytle Pirates and bring home a victory. The LHS cheerleaders did a great job of scaring those Pirates away!
Have you downloaded our Luling ISD app yet? In your phone's app store, search for Luling ISD, and download! You can get our district news and events, lunch and breakfast menus, the Ascender Parent Portal, and important notifications right from your phone!
Luling ISD and all of our campuses now have Facebook and Twitter! Follow us and follow your child's campus to get all of the latest district and campus happenings.
Join the LHS cheerleaders this Friday for Spirit Day and wear crazy hair to scare away the pirates! Remote learners, join us and dress up and post your pictures on social media then send us a screenshot of your google meets.
Do you know a word that starts with the letter K? We do! Our awesome KINDERGARTNERS at Luling Primary start with the letter K!
Our masks in second grade at Shanklin Elementary are definitely a fashion statement. We love seeing our students safely wearing their masks to protect their teacher, their friends, and themselves!
Luling High School students are safe and learning!
Gerdes Junior High teachers make sure our face to face and remote learners are all part of the class and learning!
The USDA recently extended the Summer Food Service Program. Due to this extension, beginning tomorrow Luling ISD will be providing FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH TO ALL CHILDREN 0-18 YEARS OLD!
The program is scheduled to expire on Dec. 31 or when funds run out, whichever happens first.
The district will serve students attending onsite at all buildings. At-home learners and other children in the community are able to pick up the free meals outside the High School Cafeteria from 9am-10am. Students will be able to pick up breakfast and lunch at the same time.
When funds run out, the district will go back to the National School Breakfast and Lunch programs and students will be charged according to their eligibility.
Math students at Luling High School are getting their learning on!
Students at Shanklin Elementary are so glad to be back in school learning with their teachers and friends!
Learning in 2020 at LHS!
Luling Primary and Shanklin Elementary will be participating in Sandy Hook Promise’s Start With Hello Week September 21-25, 2020 . Start With Hello brings attention to the growing epidemic of social isolation and empowers young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their school, youth organization and community. #startwithhelllo
Shanklin staff and students (face to face and remote) are having a great day of learning!