JV Girls played tough vs Marion
Area Vaccine Clinics Available.
Come out and support the Lady Eagles and Eagles as they host Marion.
Honoring MLK Today
Powerful Words
Time to wash school items!
See you back on Tuesday!
Good idea to wash school items this weekend.
It is important to only return to campus when healthy so as to not expose other to any illness. Our goal at LISD is continue to provide students a strong educational foundation in a safe environment. Please take any precautions necessary to keep Covid contained.
Covid Vaccine Clinic Today!!! 1st dose, 2nd dose, and Booster offered.
LHS Cafeteria 4pm-7pm.
Appointments Available! See what beauty services our students offer!
These STEM Students are preparing for the VEX Robotic Competition held on 1/15.
The LISD construction plan allows expansion for technology department as well as additional classroom space for LHS.
Luling ISD is comprised of amazing staff members! It has been all hands on deck and everyone has stepped up to support one another and to continue to serve students. ZEROQUIT in action!!!!!
LISD Closed on Monday 1/17
You Are Appreciated!!
You Are Appreciated!!
You Are Appreciated!!
You Are Appreciated!!