The Lady Eagles Are At Home Today!

ATTENTION: The after school ACE program will not be available on Friday 3/11 to allow the spaces on the campuses to be sanitized and staff and students to begin their spring break.

LISD appreciates the mask, test kits, and sanitizer that has been donated to our district this year from the healthcare community.

DISCIPLINE ACCOUNTABILITY, SUCCESS. Parents come see the progress of your sons and his teammates in their Spring Bootcamp. To view HS Boys' Athletics on Wednesday, check into the LHS front office by 2:50 and walk over to the LHS gym by 3:00.

Great job at Girls Regional Powerlifting Meet!!!

The Technology Student Association (TSA) enhances personal development opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)

2022 One Act Play students performed at the District contest on Saturday.

Continue To March Forth

The 2022 One Act Play will be showcased on Saturday in the District competition held at Davenport High School. The student will perform at 4pm with awards to follow.

A few of the guest readers from this week at the Elementary!!! Thank you Ms Hardy for organizing the activity!

Softball in Tournament

It’s our national anthem’s birthday today. “The Star Spangled Banner”, was officially designated as our National Anthem by President Herbert Hoover on March 3,1931.

Let's Celebrate!!!
Elementary Breakfast 7:15-8:00 a.m.
Secondary Breakfast 7:15 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
Elementary students will receive a daily prize if they come through for breakfast and an extra special prize on Friday!

Let's Celebrate!!!
Elementary Breakfast 7:15-8:00 a.m.
Secondary Breakfast 7:15 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
Elementary students will receive a daily prize if they come through for breakfast and an extra special prize on Friday!

Good Luck!!!

Self-Discipline and Team Accountability.
LHS Preparing For More Than A Sport Season.

Please see the attached flyer about the upcoming LHS Project Graduation Fundraiser. For more information contact Mrs. Choate at reanna.choate@luling.txed.net.

For the 16th consecutive year, the LHS BAND earned a 1st division in marching, concert and sight reading!

Good Luck To The Luling Lady Eagles Competing At Regions Today!

HS Cheer