Luling High School Registration Information
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year is based on the completion of the Registration requirements set forth by the district. All students seeking enrollment (new to the district or returning students) must complete the online Registration process prior to being enrolled in any courses, classes or campuses.
New to District Enrollment Process
Is your family brand new to Luling ISD? Welcome to the Luling Eagle family!
You can register your child by following these steps.
Parent/Guardian must register new students by creating an account in the Luling ISD Ascender Parent Portal Parents must upload the required documents within the online enrollment process.
Parent/Guardian Driver's license or State ID
Child's Birth Certificate – legal only; NO Hospital records will be accepted
Child's Social Security Card
Child's Immunization Record
Proof of Residence (Copy of complete lease, Utility bill such as electric, gas, or water bill)
Provide withdrawal form from previous school district the student attended by email or by contacting the campus Registrar. See contact info at the bottom of this page.
Click the button below to begin and follow the steps.
Returning Student Registration
Returning Student Definition - A returning Luling ISD student is defined as a student who was enrolled at the end of the 2023-2024 school year in a Luling ISD School.
ALL returning students MUST complete the following steps in order to be enrolled in courses, classes, or campuses.
Returning students may register online using the Luling ISD Ascender Parent Portal. The Ascender Parent Portal uses the same Username and Password that parents/guardians used for registration in the 2023-2024 School year or throughout the year to check on their student's grades and attendance.
Please see the instructions below if your need assistance to retrieve the username and/or password to complete registration. Parent Portal Login Help/Account Creation
Once logged into the Parent Portal, click the Registration button located on the Student Summary Card for your student on the main screen.

NOTE: On the Summary page, the Registration button will be red, yellow or green depending on how far along you are in the process.
Editing Data for returning students:
All data changes submitted via Parent Portal must be reviewed by the campus Registrar before the student’s record is updated. For most forms, each request is approved or rejected individually. For example, if you update your phone and address, the campus may approve the phone number change, but may require proof of residence before an address change is approved.
For a Texas standard form, the form is accepted or rejected as a whole.
If campus staff rejects a submitted change, you will be notified by email. The email message should inform you why a particular change was rejected and what to do. Contact the student’s campus for more information.
Campus Contact Info.
Eric Tate
District PEIMS/Registrar
Marivel Winn
Attendance Clerk
D'Ann Crowell
Administrative Assistant